AM JUST A LIL GUL LOST IN DA MIDDLE, LA LA ALA LA LA , DUM DIRAM DA DUM DIRAM , JUS ENJOY DA SHOW. n tats exactly wat am doing,i have neva seen a movie better n vivid than this and its called LIFE. once again am in a stage where i dont feel content, y am i so selfish, y do i refuse to growup, its so damn hard to jus do wat u want, without hurting your close ones, but then again if ur close ones hate it when you like it are they really your closedones?????????? or are you the bad guy????????? everyone calls me lazy i am lazy!!, lazy is nice, actualy its not lazy, its called being withdrawn no hassels, no attachments, no expectations, no expressions, just njoy da show be an audiance (but not always, atleast not when its PARTYYY TIME!!! ) HAPPY HOLIDAYS PPL