Oh My Dear! Never!

The word DEAR has somehow annoyed me to no end. It doesn’t matter who it comes from, a girl friend or a guy friend or a stranger, especially more when it comes from a stranger. My instant reaction to such an addressing is ‘I am NOT your dear!! (Unless you mean a deer). The word annoys me even when I read it in comments written by unknown people on unknown blogs or profiles. I have whatsoever no relation with the addresser or the addressee except that I am a passive reader; and yet it annoys me! So I pondered for reasons, I read conversations where ‘dear’ was profusely used. I tried not to get irritated and actually understand what it makes me feel. Well it makes me feel lot many negative feelings than just irritation. Firstly it creeps me out, it scares me, and it creates suspicion in my head in regards with the writer’s intention behind such casual proximity. I shivered to know that a word which technically means ‘precious in one's regard’; to me means ‘threat’. In ...