The Wind in My Ocean

At times like green glass, at times like blue, Shattering against rocks, can be put together by no glue. Deep in the center are galloping waves, Rocking my boat and my gut in similar ways. Should I write ‘gut’ or should I write soul? I think they are the same, but I cannot think for sure, Cause hanging on to dear like is the only goal. Mountains of dark water, in the middle of nowhere, Like sand dunes of a dessert, the ocean looks just the same. Beyond the perfectness of this world, my imperfections you crave. Constantly challenging me to be brave. Absolute surrender, nothing less. And only love, nothing more. Isn’t this what you demand? There is fear, but there is respect There is love too, but to understand it, I do not expect. So, I blurt in my expansive trance, “Take me!” I say, knowing entirely well, I am still a novice in this dance. Now I sit down again at a safe shore, I see you; I feel you, I feel the fear too wit...