
Showing posts from 2014

Snippets of a chaotic mind

why do you say 'my head is spinning' when you have too many thoughts and chaos in your mind. i guess cause it virtually represents a negative magnet pole dropped in the space of positive circular magnetic space. my thoughts have been banging against the wall of my brain and against each other. and what i desparatly need is that small gap for it to all come out

I think I know who God is!

  When you are born and raised in a middle class Hindu family settled in India, there are not many chances of you growing up to be an atheist; especially if you belong to the city that never sleeps aka the city that celebrates ALL possible festivals on earth. Mumbai is where religiousness makes way for spirituality. Mumbai is where you will come across atheists who conveniently forget their ‘FAITH’ to participate in festivities and remember it as per their need to be cool. As for me, well, I don’t know who I am yet. I was born indifferent, raised religious, self taught spirituality, self proclaimed animist; right now confused and probably die an indifferent again. Life is a full circle they say. Life! What is it? What is life? Is it a she or a he or a it? I like being high, I like being high on such thoughts too; or maybe that’s precisely why I like being high. When I was a kid, every Sunday evening was the ‘Om Namhashivay’ evening. A dedicated half hour that unraveled the ...