6th March 2023 ‘Bring Back the Reign of The Soul’

शरीर को जो चाहिये वो सब मिल जाएगा | उसकी सुविधा कर के रखी है | पर आत्मा को जो चाहिये उसका क्या ? (What the body needs, it will get. It has been arranged for. But what about what the soul needs?) The soul is the ultimate truth. There are only two options. One, that I be in this body and grapple with the fact that I am a tiny being all alone in this endlessly vast world……. scary? OR…. I am the all-encompassing soul. I am not the body. A very tiny part of me is in this body and in all other bodies subtle or dense. And there is nothing or no one out there except for me. It is boring and a different kind of scary. But the question remains. The body will never suffer. The body is a vehicle, a mere tool for this super power, all encompassing ‘Aatman’. आत्मन , वो उसकी निगा तो रखेगा ही ना! (soul will definitely take care of body) One doesn’t miss use or ill-treat the things one needs. So, the body is all ok and will always be ok, as long as it helps, obeys and cooperates with the soul....