6th March 2023 ‘Bring Back the Reign of The Soul’
शरीर को जो चाहिये वो सब मिल जाएगा| उसकी सुविधा कर के रखी है| पर आत्मा को जो चाहिये उसका क्या? (What the body needs, it will get. It has been arranged for. But what about what the soul needs?)
The soul is the ultimate
truth. There are only two options. One, that I be in this body and grapple with
the fact that I am a tiny being all alone in this endlessly vast world……. scary?
OR…. I am the all-encompassing soul. I am not the body. A very tiny part of me
is in this body and in all other bodies subtle or dense. And there is nothing
or no one out there except for me. It is boring and a different kind of scary.
But the question remains.
The body will never suffer.
The body is a vehicle, a mere tool for this super power, all encompassing
‘Aatman’. आत्मन, वो उसकी निगा तो रखेगा ही ना!
(soul will definitely take care of body) One doesn’t miss use or ill-treat the
things one needs. So, the body is all ok and will always be ok, as long as it
helps, obeys and cooperates with the soul.
language of the soul is, ‘love’.
shape of the soul is, ‘creation’.
language of creation is love. When I let people or animals just be, they offer
me the beautiful gift ‘उनके आत्मन की एक झलक’ – ‘A preview to their soul’.
I create has to be from the place of absolute love and compassion; merely the
love for and of creation. There can be no other reason for creation.
Vaata (gastritis / IBS) is all my attachments. I release my attachments with my
mother. The loudest, tightest, most rigid and painful to let-go attachment, in
my current state of being. I release it to transform it to love. I am not
alone, a lost child anymore. I am not abandoned anymore.
am, I am, I am. The child. The mother. The father. The god. The friend. The
teacher. The fruit. The flower. The bee. The sun.
the super conscious state there is literally nothing to be scared of. At the
super conscious state, it is just the ‘Aatman’, it dwells and operates there.
At the conscious level, the body obeys the super conscious ‘Soul’.
work I must do is at the subconscious and unconscious to bring them in
alignment so that there is a direct route for the flow of energy from:
What is anger? Anger is the wild that never got to be. What is wild? Wild is joyous. Wild is adventurous. Wild is curious. Wild is intelligent. Wild is passionate. Wild is 'survival at its best'. Wild is thriving. Wild is free. Wild is larger than life. Wild is LIFE. I release my anger as I be more and more me.
I am
back in my body. I must respect it. I must respect the plain at which all
bodies create and reside. I must respect all bodies from a cell to a whale.
From corona virus to chlorophyll. They all hold ‘Aatman’. They operate for it,
at different levels and plains, undertaking different tasks. I must be
thoughtful and revere them. It will be too late, if the Aatman decides to
retrieve itself and I can no longer enjoy the benefits of this body. I must
stop being greedy for out of body experiences, I must stop thinking that the
body is limiting, in fact it is a tool. It has its own purpose, limiting or
expansive, is not up to me to judge. I thank this body. It is my brother, my
kin, but not me. I love it like I love my kin. Like the love that oozes from
the mere existence of creation.
that I can ever see, fathom, touch; and everything beyond what I can see,
fathom, touch is soul. It feels like a mega giant elephant stuffed in a bowl
but then there is still space. And then there is no bowl and no elephant. How?
I don’t know.
is no beginning, no end, no shape. If you think you grasped it, then clearly it
is not it. A part of it, a flavor, a touch perhaps, but not it.
Soul is the only existence, all else is creation. We create to use, to
dissolve, to expire. But we exist to be.
spirit world, dear plant world, dear Super Conscious, now I just wish I stay
with this even in my body.
I am
and I be.
brain is also body, mind is the brain's language with soul. The soul and brain
talk via mind to each other. Body is the heart's language with soul. The soul
and heart talk via body to each other.
क्या मजाल brain की के वो boss बन बैठा? (with what audacity did the brain claim itself to be the boss?). The
Soul is the boss. And in its absence the brain takes over pretending to be the
house owner.
learning happens from the frontal lobe. The forehead area between and around
the eyebrows. And anger, from above and behind the ears.
Soul in today’s world is missing and the brain has taken over all the controls.
But it is an imposter. It is not the real boss. This spaceship cannot lose its
true captain. And hence we need to ‘Bring Back the Reign of The Soul’
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