love is air

one of my friend was asked "what is true love to you?", he said "its a waste of time and money". one "yes" followed this remark. Of course they were both hurt in love, and drunk at that time. But seriously what is love? If I were asked the same question, I would say"love is like air" (not love is in the air that's a different phrase , i hope u know). It has different elements and compositions like air. It has different forms like air, and just like air you can never see it but feel it. It is as limitless and free as air. I personally hate the words 'boyfriend and girlfriend' sounds too lame, typical and possessive to me. All you can do is breath love, feel it, enjoy it and then let it pass through you making space for the next. Ever heard of air to be in one place forever?? no right!! then don't review the entire show of LIFE on the basis of just one episode. love one and love all. Be happy people.