this my first time ever as a blogger. every1 wants to blog these days, why wont they when they can earn money through just stiing at one place blurting out something even they dont understand. well, honestly am one of them. when i was in school we had diary writting in grammer, i tried once and them left it only to come back it now. the thougt of some1 peeping into my personal space scared me, but here i am letting the whole world read my mindless mind. neways i realy dont think this will entierly be a dairy sort of a thing. looking forward to making friends and have some sensible talk with people who realy care to exist. dont live just because you have been born in this world-live because you like the feeling of beening alive.
'creative brain and abstract person'
Image via Wikipedia 'creative brain and abstract person' is the compliment i received from a friend on orkut. This is not the first time I have received this compliment, but it is the first time it has angered me. Previously I use to like it when people called me creative, it use to flatter me, in my mind I would say "wow man! that's great people think I am creative they think am smart , I must be at a higher level than the others". But today it just annoyed me, 'creative'.. bullshit, either they are saying it cause they want me to appreciate their work too, or they are just being polite, i don't know. Sometimes I feel like a total screw up, I don't have the street smartness or the skills of playing politics and manipulating things, I am utterly lazy and awkwardly shy, how am i ever gonna sustain in this media industry tat i haven't even entered yet? I know what an utter moron I am, people never see that(if hiding tat flaw is creativity then ...
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