just let'em be

A few days back i went to a studio where children were modelling. After watching kids in advertisement and in movies I shouldn't have been amazed and surprised of the fact that children can also be the subject of photo shoots. The photographer was a bit annoying though asking the kids to pose in various manners. And the only words he had to encourage those kids were, ‘awesome' 'beautiful child' 'great pose'. He uttered the word awesome, about a thousand times, and hey all children ARE! nothing but beautiful!! Seriously, even the parents had started giving instructions to their respective child. Poor children!!
One incident that I must share though. There was a girl about 10 or 11 yrs old. The kind of poses she was giving, she would have easily overthrown Tyra Banks. The photographer asked her, after a while to stop posing like that and act her age, like a 10 yr old. Looking at her blank expression, I really wonder, if she even knew what that meant. She had been forced to grow up, and probably was mature more than her age required her to be, all her life. He even told her she was of right shape and size, 'don't put on more than this, beta' he said to her. Looking at him, you would wonder if everyone in his house was starving (obviously coz he must be eating their share too, he was literally a giant). Look at the bright said, at least she wont crib like us, about missing and wanting to relive her childhood.
Excellent and topical Article.