Stubborn?? Yes may be.
What do you do when you have tried your best and even
But things just won’t change?
What do you do when you have no one to blame.
What do you do when you want to let go of the past,
But then who’s to tell the wrong from right apart.
What do you do when present is what you want to focus on
Yet it is what makes you feel lost.
What do you do when you want both the worlds?
But all you have is a large vacuum staring at your face.
I don’t need you to say I went wrong,
I don’t even need you to say it will be ok,
I don’t need you at all if this is how you plan to play.
I just need you,
Need you in spite of your bad plotting,
I need you simply to trust in.
I know, I don’t always listen,
I won’t even
But I still want you to keep repeating.
Won’t deny, I deserve a lesson,
But I don’t deserve to be abandoned.
So hit me with your hardest blow
I won’t stop you cause I know I will glow
As with every mistake I make
With your every whisper, I wake.
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