Not the Gullible Fakir


Universal love isn’t about being a gullible fakir, an all-pervasive self-inflicted pain in the process to prove how big your heart is. It isn’t about being the damsel who loves the beast enough to turn him into a prince. And it definitely isn’t about being powerless, but instead, about being powerful as I knowingly surrender.

So, no I won’t say, “I love you no matter what. I will love you in spite of all your darkness and hurt you cause me.” Instead, I will say, “I love” and that’s it, “I love because I see. I love, be it darkness or light because they both exist. I love neither to be hurt nor to be healed but because I exist.

I am not proving any point to you; I am not proving my love to you. It ain’t “see after all this I am still here for you”. It is rather “I am here, because I want to be, not because I want to show you that I can stay and definitely not because I have nowhere else to go, but because I exits in here. I exist in now. And it’s all here baibe, it’s all here”

Only a person who’s burnt in their own furry will know how to tell you anger is one letter short of danger.

Only a person who has perpetually fought to build walls will know how to tell you that the best defense is no defense.

Only a person who has hated from the bottom of every cell in their body will know how to tell you that loving from the bottom of your heart is the only joy, only solace for the soul.

So, if you are, if at all exploring becoming the crusader of love, practicing unconditional -universal-love, compassion, non-violence, empathy, blah and blah and blah then just do it, cause you ain’t proving anything to anyone of us, definitely nothing to me, dear self.

And the only way to know if you are doing it right is to ask, “do I feel more powerful or powerless?” cause love will never, can never, make you feel powerless.




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