Learn Life in the School of Forest

To teach LITERATURE and write POETRY, perform theater, watch movies, explore religionS, explore the forest.

To teach MATHEMATICS, build something, play more poker, explore the forest.

To teach CHEMISTRY, watch the universe, experiment with cooking, explore the forest.

To teach BIOLOGY, get down to gardening, animal rescuing, learn to cook healing food, yoga, martial arts, acupressure, massage and more, explore the forest.

To teach GEOGRAPHY do some gardening/ farming, go trekking, travel a lot, camp a lot, explore the forest.

To teach PHYSICS, play more outdoor games, fall more, throw more things, do martial arts,  dance a lot, play more music, watch the universe, explore the forest.

To teach CIVICS, live in small villages, travel to other countries, learn to cook your own food, swe your own cloths, build your own houses, make your bed, don't explore religion, explore ant colonies in forest, explore all non human colonies in forest, explore the forest.

To teach COMMERCE, teach kindness, respect, listening, giving, codependency of all creatures, selfdependency, gender equality, Sufism, Jainism, Buddhism, meditation, travel pennyless, backpacking, explore the forest. 

To teach MUSIC, dance more, tap more things, tap everything, do more nothing, go absolutely silent, explore the forest.

To teach DANCE, tune into the music, dance, dance in groups, dance with friends, dance with strangers, dance alone in a forest, dance with forest creaturs, explore the forest.

To teach ART, learn more literature, learn more maths, learn more chemistry, learn more physics, learn more botany, learn more geography, watch more stars, got to the god damn forest, tune into the music, shake a little and start arting. 


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