Let those who Leave Shed Away
Of the many things that we are taught wrong, one is, 'how to react to people walking out of your life.' We are told it's a bad event, catastrophic even. It can be sad, yes. but I doubt it will always be bad. We face accusations like, 'what did you do/say wrong?'. If someone walks away it automatically is our fault. Our society is built on the foundation of souls dying of guilt and self loathing. Infact the makers of this society thrive feeding off of such souls.
So I beg to differ, people walking out of our lives is as natural and necessary as leaves falling off a tree. And neither one of them is to blame! If the leaves fall because they have grown old then it's just time to go. If they fall too soon then may be the sun is too harsh or the rain too erratic. If the leaves were plucked then blame the plucker, if eaten, blame the grazer, if infected, blame the pest, if burnt, blame the wild fire. But no one ever blames the tree or the leaves, instead we nurture the tree in hopes that new leaves with spring up. And they very well do, unless the tree is actually dead.
So untill you die, be sure of people walking in and out of your life. That's just how nature is. But I hope you are able to fight the urge to blame cause that is when the learning begins. Take care.

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