The Domino Effect

This is what Google will tell you about DOMINO EFFECT; ‘The domino effect is a chain reaction that occurs when a small change causes a similar change nearby, which then causes another similar change, and so on in linear sequence.’  It will also show you images of Marilyn Monroe change to Marlon Brando, created by East Asian students at some crazy Domino Art Contest.
But if you closely observe domino effect is an inseparable, integral part of life. The understanding of this effect is also the solution to most of the problems that weigh us down.  
One realizes that this universe is a humongous network of neatly arranged dominos. At least my life is. There is one thing I have learned for sure. Never have regrets and never try to change the flow, because everything indeed happens for a reason. The reasons could be both, good and bad. But there is always one and you must try to find it.  Think about it in the simplest things like, what if you were born to a different set of parents? Or what if you had been to a different school? What if you had chosen not to go to college or be a lawyer instead of a musician? The series of ‘what ifs’ stalk our minds like the psycho killer stalking its prey. And if you don’t want to be a prey, think of who you are today. Are you happy? No right? Nobody is ever completely happy at any given stage of life, but nobody is completely sad either.
You meet a partner, totally fall in love for them, but it doesn’t work out. Sounds painful right? But while you were dating them you made a whole new set of friends through them, and you never know who amongst them might turn out to be a helpful contact, a new match, or a best friend. Nothing goes to waste trust me. That’s how nature works anyways.
So you applied for this job, got the job and 2 months later you think this is not your place. So would you cry for making yet another big mistake? Or would you rather search for what new bag of goodies did you find here? Like new friends, new insights or a new date.
A series of recent events in my life have certainly pushed me into thinking about the domino effect. People always fear making mistakes. Well people! We don’t MAKE mistakes, they are just a portion of the long chain of dominoes and we ignore to see the bigger picture.
So most of all that I have to say is, don’t be afraid!!!
 Don’t be afraid of time, don’t be afraid of bad, don’t be afraid of moving ahead and above all don’t be afraid of looking into your past! It’s as simple as knowing the start to know the end. And then again, who knows if it really is the end. May be it’s a start of another chain. So live it, face it and push that domino, cause after all; the process of toppling dominoes in an attempt to create something beautiful is more beautiful to watch than the final result. Isn't it?


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